Where we are
In the midst of
countless beauties
From our strategic location it is easy to get to every corner of Perugia. Just a short drive away you will find the large Piazza Partigiani car park, connected to Corso Vannucci through practical escalators that will take you up through the beautiful Rocca Paolina, another must-see attraction. The FCU Light Metro will leave you at the Sant’Anna Station or in the city’s historical centre in just a few minutes. And thanks to the closeness to the railway station, you can also explore other marvellous destinations such as Assisi, Spoleto, the Trasimeno Lake, Siena, Florence, and Rome.
Perugia historical centre
4,5 km
Piazza IV Novembre
5,4 km
Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria
5.4 km
Fontana Maggiore
5.4 km
Etruscan Arch
7 km
St. Peter’s Basilica
5 km
Discover every corner
Park Hotel Perugia
Where we are
Perugia Park Hotel - Via Alessandro Volta, 1
Perugia - 06135 - Umbria
Perugia - 06135 - Umbria
Park Hotel Srl- VAT 00323740548- R.E.A. 108407- CIR 054039ALB4S05921- cin IT054039A101005921
Por - fesr 2014-2020 asse 3 e asse 8 - azione 3.2.1 e 8.2.1
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