Perugia Park Hotel
One destination, countless possibilities
in the heart of Italy
Ultramodern round shapes and objects in moveable balance: every corner of the Perugia Park Hotel expresses originality. We look beyond traditional canons to offer our guests the travel experience they have always dreamed, in one of Italy’s loveliest cities.
A matter of style
Warm atmosphere and contemporary mood
Indulge in wellness in our Wellness Space
Exclusive offers
Selected super convenient Offers and Packages to visit Perugia.
What makes us unique
Good reasons to choose the Perugia Park Hotel
Where we are
Perugia Park Hotel - Via Alessandro Volta, 1
Perugia - 06135 - Umbria
Perugia - 06135 - Umbria
Park Hotel Srl- VAT 00323740548- R.E.A. 108407- CIR 054039ALB4S05921- cin IT054039A101005921
Por - fesr 2014-2020 asse 3 e asse 8 - azione 3.2.1 e 8.2.1
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